期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
british journal of biomedical science | 983 | 3.829 | |
clinics in laboratory medicine | 1772 | 1.935 | |
Journal Of Clinical Laboratory Analysis | 3903 | 2.352 | |
Laboratory Medicine | 1330 | 1.525 | |
Disease Markers | 5699 | 3.434 | |
biochemia medica | 3491 | 2.313 | |
Journal of Medical Biochemistry | 697 | 3.402 | |
International Journal Of Laboratory Hematology | 2940 | 2.877 | |
Drug Metabolism Letters | |||
biomarkers in medicine | 2462 | 2.851 | |
Open Biomarkers Journal | |||
Annals Of Laboratory Medicine | 1743 | 3.464 | |
journal of laboratory medicine | 185 | 0.379 | |
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine | |||
Biomarker Insights | 914 | 0.0 | |
pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics | 3297 | 3.41 | |
journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis | 4282 | 4.928 | |
translational research | 5766 | 7.012 | |
forensic toxicology | 1144 | 4.096 | |
Rivista Italiana della Medicina di Laboratorio | |||
Klinichescheskaya Laboratornaya Diagnostika | |||
epma journal | 1507 | 6.543 |
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